Risultati ricerca
Santarcangelo di Romagna : Rusconi Libri, Carteduca, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: Un divertente dizionario per conoscere e imparare tante parole in inglese.
Genève : La Joie de lire, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: 25 animali il cui nome incomincia (esclusa qualche eccezione) con la stessa lettera in cinque lingue diverse: francese, italiano, spagnolo, tedesco e inglese. Un alfabeto multiculturale con grandi pagine colorate.
Cape Town : Struik, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: Once again author and illustrator Jacqui Taylor has drawn inspiration from the animals, plants and images of Africa for this delightful book of verse.
Children will love the bright colours, textures and detail in her illustrations, which are factual rather than fantastical and therefore educational, yet in a fun style. The verses themselves are rhythmical and make use of indigenous words in the context of the imagery.
Also included is a section of fascinating facts that teach a ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Children will love the bright colours, textures and detail in her illustrations, which are factual rather than fantastical and therefore educational, yet in a fun style. The verses themselves are rhythmical and make use of indigenous words in the context of the imagery.
Also included is a section of fascinating facts that teach a ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London : Harper Collins, 2014
Abstract/Sommario: Paddington Bear had travelled all the way from Darkest Peru when the Brown family first met him on Paddington station. Since then their lives have never been quite the same... for ordinary things become quite extraordinary when a bear called Paddington is involved.
Zurich : Orell Füssli, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: All through the summer in the Engadine Mountains of Switzerland the cattle feed in the mountain meadows, carrying bells round their necks. The calves have little bells and the cows have big ones...
Ursli is a little boy who lives in the Swiss Alps. In order to find a big cowbell so that he can lead the spring procession through his village, he goes alone to his family's chalet high up in the mountains. There, he spends a lonely, scary night.
London : Piccadilly Press, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Teasel is sad when his hedgehog friend, Bramble, has to hibernate. But he's determined that Bramble shouldn't miss out on the fun of winter when he's asleep.
This is a heart-warming tale of separation and friendship.
San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: This beautiful board book features eight of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic poems with antique illustrations by some of the best-known children's book illustrators of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including Charles Robinson, Henriette Willebeek Le Mair and Jessie Willcox Smith.
New York : Random House, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: In the title story, Gordon and Henry laugh at Edward when some cows break his train. But when a cow blocks the line several days later, it's Edward who has the last laugh. Also included are "Double Trouble," "Old Iron," and "Percy Takes the Plunge."
London : Egmont, 2017
Abstract/Sommario: The Land of Goodies has come to the top of the Faraway Tree, and it is the tastiest place that Joe, Beth, Frannie and Rick have ever been. There are ice-cream trees, lollipop bushes and fences made of marshmallow!
The magical Faraway Tree has been entertaining readers for more than 75 years. Now these colour short stories offer a great way for a whole host of young new readers to discover the adventures of Silky, Moon-Face, the Saucepan Man and all of their friends in the Enchante ...; [Leggi tutto...]
The magical Faraway Tree has been entertaining readers for more than 75 years. Now these colour short stories offer a great way for a whole host of young new readers to discover the adventures of Silky, Moon-Face, the Saucepan Man and all of their friends in the Enchante ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Middlesex : Puffin Books, 1984
Abstract/Sommario: A trip to the seaside changes Dan and Mary's lives forever. The gift they bring back for their mother couldn't be more perfect, a beautiful egg-shaped stone. But one day Mary notices something strange, and sure enough it hatches.
New York : Harper Collins, c1996
Abstract/Sommario: Little Bear is so pleased with the picture he has drawn that he asks Hen to take it to his grandmother. Grandmother is so happy with it that she sends him back a thank-you kiss. How the kiss is passed from Grandmother, to Hen, to Cat, to Little Skunk, to a pretty girl skunk, and back to Little Skunk, and how eventually it comes again to Hen and finally to Little Bear will delight children just learning to read.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1994
Abstract/Sommario: One night two young couples run into an enchanted forest in an attempt to escape their problems. But these four humans do not realize that the forest is filled with fairies and hobgoblins who love making mischief. When Oberon, the Fairy King, and his loyal hobgoblin servant, Puck, intervene in human affairs, the fate of these young couples is magically and hilariously transformed.
London : Usborne, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: It's Midsummer Night... In the woods outside Athens, two fairies are up to mischief. Their spells lead to chaos, confusion and a weaver with the head of a donkey. This is a magical retelling of one of Shakespeare's most popular comedies.
Toronto : Annick Press, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: A Qallupilluq is an imaginary Inuit creature, somewhat like a troll, that lives in Hudson Bay. It wears a woman’s parka made of loon feathers and reportedly grabs children when they come too near cracks in the ice. The Inuit traditionally spend a lot of time on the sea ice, so the Qallupilluq were clearly invented as a means to help keep children away from dangerous crevices.
London : J. Cape, 1997
Abstract/Sommario: E' un racconto commovente di una donna anziana che si salva per miracolo dopo l'arresto di un ladro che cerca di rovinare il Natale per i poveri.
Firenze, Trieste : Editoriale Scienza, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: Un viaggio incantato nel lontano selvaggio Nord ad ascoltare un racconto realista ed emozionante che ti porta a condividere il rispetto per uno degli animali più belli e incompresi del mondo.
Cesena : Macro Junior, 2022
Abstract/Sommario: A come Albero, Aereo e Aquilone, B come Barca, e Bambola di pezza, C come Cigno, Cobra e Coccodrillo. E così via fino alla Z di Zero! Un libro che permette di imparare l'alfabeto e le posizioni dello Yoga. Ce ne sono di divertenti, spiritose e entusiasmanti, e ognuna permette di avere benefici a livello fisico, mentale e spirituale. Con questo libro infatti i bambini possono: scoprire lo Yoga, un'antica disciplina adatta a tutti; imparare l'alfabeto e l'inglese; divertirsi a leggere le ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Austria : Universal Studios, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: L'aquilotto più forte è destinato a scacciare dal nido il fratello più debole: questo è solitamente ciò che accade quando due piccoli di aquila si trovano a condividere lo stesso nido. Spesso accade anche tra gli uomini che, a ferirli, siano proprio le persone più vicine. Lukas, infatti, soffre a causa della freddezza che il padre mostra nei suoi confronti successivamente alla dolorosa perdita della moglie, morta nel tentativo di salvare il piccolo Lukas da un incendio. Il bambino port ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Londra : Ladybird books, 1994
Abstract/Sommario: A combination of story and information book based on the zoo which is a popular preschool topic. It is designed to develop early reading skills such as left to right hand/eye movement and simple word recognition.
Morton Grove : Albert Whitman & Co, 1986
Abstract/Sommario: Although Celia reacts to having been adopted with anger and insecurity, her parents help her accept her feelings and celebrate their love for her by making her adoption day a family holiday. Includes factual information about the adoption process.
London : A&C Black, 1991
Abstract/Sommario: Presented in this book are the diaries of Deon, Rohana and Sarah on their adventure holiday. Some of the children are in wheelchairs, some of them aren't. Despite being shy and awkward at first, the children quickly make friends.
Italia : National Geographic, 2000
London : Octopus, 1985
Abstract/Sommario: La storia dell'Alfa Romeo, con numerose fotografie a colori e schede dei singoli modelli di auto prodotte.
London : Fontana Lions, 1983
Abstract/Sommario: Alfie is delighted to be invited to Bernard's birthday party, although he feels a bit nervous about going on his own. But Alfie has such a great time, that he finds he doesn't even need his special blanket and he makes a new friend too!
Mantova : Corraini, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: Una rivisitazione di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, che s'immagina rappresentata in un teatrino di marionette e dove la piccola protagonista s'imbatte in opere di Piero della Francesca e di altri importanti pittori.
Wisconsin : Western Publishing Inc., 1996
Abstract/Sommario: One golden spring day a joung girl named Alic was sitting by the river, listening to her sister read aloud from a history book...
New York [etc.] : Scholastic, 2001
Abstract/Sommario: One summer day, young Alice is sitting on the riverbank with her sister when a big white rabbit runs past. "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late," the rabbit says, taking a look at his watch. Then he pops down a large rabbit hole, and Alice can't help but follow him.
Milano : Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2010
Abstract/Sommario: È un caldo pomeriggio d'estate e la piccola Alice, sdraiata all'ombra di un albero, ascolta distrattamente la sua lezione di storia, quando improvvisamente vede passare un coniglio bianco che corre in fretta ad un appuntamento. Alice curiosissima lo insegue e precipita in una profonda voragine che la porta alla scoperta del Paese delle Meraviglie. Inizia così la sua fantastica avventura in una nuova dimensione, il sogno, in cui sembrano reali anche le situazioni più bizzarre.
London : Pan Books, 1969
Abstract/Sommario: All sorts of things for all sorts of children under ten: stories, poems, games, puzzles, riddles, articles, recipes, strip cartoons. Illustrated by fifteen artists.
New York : Random House Books for Young Readers, 2000
Abstract/Sommario: From American ants to zebras with zithers, kids will love exploring the alphabet in this classically creative P. D. Eastman alphabet book.
Chicago : Milet, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: Meet Elmer, every child's favourite patchwork elephant.
London : Dolphin Books, 1995
Abstract/Sommario: Children and parents adore these cleverly crafted interactive adventures. Kids get to turn flaps to reveal pop-up surprises on every page; each book also ends with an entire pop-up scene. Maurice Pledger's artwork is painstakingly detailed and resonates with a warmth and joy. Kids will want to explore the natural world with these lovable characters again and again.
London : Puffin Books, 2014
Abstract/Sommario: Angelina and her cousin Henry show true Christmas spirit when they visit old Mr Bell, the retired postman who lives all alone. Their generosity is rewarded when they discover that there is a real Santa Claus living right in their own village!
London : Kingfisher, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: This book introduces children to a variety of animal babies living in Polar Lands. Each baby is introduced on one spread and on the next, we find out who is its mother or father. In this way, children learn to identify animal babies and their parents. It focusses on seven fluffy youngsters living in this habitat including harp seals, polar bears, caribous, Arctic hares, Arctic foxes, snowy owls and penguins.
[Roma] : National Geographic : Gruppo editoriale L'espresso [distributore], [2006]
New York : Scholastic, 2010
Abstract/Sommario: It's April Fools' Day, and Gilbert is looking forward to playing tricks on his friends. Unfortunately he's the one getting tricked by everyone else, including Mrs. Byrd! But the worst prankster is Lewis the bully. In the end Gilbert outwits Lewis with the best trick of all.
New York : Random House Books for Young Readers, 1960
Abstract/Sommario: Tells a very simple story for children who have just started to read, their younger brothers or sisters will also want to follow the baby bird's quest as he asks everyone and everything he meets, "Are You My Mother?"...
London : DK Children, 1988
Abstract/Sommario: An original and exciting look at the history of weapons and armor through the ages. Stunning real-life photographs reveal the design, construction, and workings of armor, offering a unique "eyewitness" view of how methods of warfare have changed.
London : Hodder, 1998
Abstract/Sommario: Although he struggles to entertain Pig's cousin, Kipper the dog cannot prevent Arnold from sucking his thumb.
USA : Little, Brown & Co., 1989
Abstract/Sommario: Arthur can't wait to hand out his birthday party invitations. But it turns out Muffy is having her party on the exact same day! All of his friends are split between the two parties so Arthur and Francine hatch a clever scheme to make sure Arthur and Muffy have the best birthdays yet!
USA : Little, Brown & Co., 1990
Abstract/Sommario: Arthur starts his own petsitting business to show Mom and Dad that he can be responsible! But between a boa constrictor, an ant farm, and a group of frogs, he's got his hands full! Can Arthur still prove he can handle a dog of his own?
Roma : Gruppo editoriale l'Espresso [distributore], 2003
[Italia] : National Geographic, [1995]
USA : Columbia Pictures Industries, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: Un'incredibile esperienza visiva in compagnia del giovane reporter Tintin e del suo fedele cane Milù, i celebri personaggi creati dal fumettista belga Hergé. Dopo aver scoperto una misteriosa pergamena all'interno del modellino di un antico veliero, Tintin cade nel mirino di un diabolico criminale, disposto a tutto pur di avere il veliero e il suo prezioso contenuto. In compagnia dell'irascibile Capitan Haddock e di due detective pasticcioni, per il curioso giornalista avrà così inizio ...; [Leggi tutto...]
New York : Harry N. Abrams, 2001
Abstract/Sommario: Join Babar, Celeste, Arthur, Zephir and all the other characters of Celesteville as they take young readers on a lively romp through the alphabet. Crocodiles chase crows, geese go through the garden gate, kittens love kisses, and pigs wear purple pajamas in this delightful and charming book.
New York : Random House, 1989
Abstract/Sommario: The changing seasons bring new delights to Babar and his friends in Celesteville.
Los Angeles : Intervisual Communications Inc., 1979
Abstract/Sommario: Charming children's story and activity book where Butterflies, Frogs, Deer, etc are Changing Pictures which are activated by holding the ribbon tab and slowly moving it from left to right along the bottom of the circle. Illustrated in beautiful color.
USA ; Roma : National Geographic : Gruppo editoriale l'Espresso, ©2009
London : Priddy, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: Baby’s Treasure Hunt is a very simple book with lovely, bright photographs, easy things to find – including the little bear hidden somewhere on each spread – and rhyming text.
Mantova : Corraini, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: Bombolette di vernice spray per dipingere sui muri, opere che si auto-distruggono o che costano troppo poco, parchi giochi al contrario: basta questo per riconoscere Banksy, eppure nessuno sa chi sia davvero. Il nuovo libro di Fausto Gilberti, dedicato allo street-artist dall'identità segreta, è pieno di punti di domanda: Banksy si nasconde, e noi ci divertiamo a inseguire i suoi graffiti in giro per il mondo. E a farci raccontare del giorno in cui ha popolato di squali il lago di un p ...; [Leggi tutto...]
New York : McElderry, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Sweet Bear isn’t feeling well at all. He is achy, sneezy, wheezy, and just plain sick! He’s in no shape to go outside to play. So Mole, Hare, Mouse, and the rest of the gang try to make Bear feel as comfortable as possible in his cave. Bear starts to get better—but as soon as Bear is well, all of his friends get sick!
New York : Little Simon, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: One by one, a whole host of different animals and birds find their way out of the cold and into Bear's cave to warm up. But even after the tea has been brewed and the corn has been popped, Bear just snores on!
New York : Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: Bear and his friends are munching on their lunch when all of sudden… Bear feels something wiggling and wobbling in his mouth. Oh no! What can it be? It’s Bear’s first loose tooth!
New York : Scholastic, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: Unhappy about having to go with her older brother Henry to the library for the third day in a row, Beatrice puts up quite a pout and refuses to take part in any of the fun things that are available to her, but when she discovers story hour, Beatrice realizes that the library is actually quite a fun place to be!
Wisconsin : Western Publishing Inc., 1991
London : Silver Dolphin Books, 2003
Abstract/Sommario: "Bee Gets a Sweater" begins a long time ago, when all bees were just plain black. Spider has a brilliant idea. She sets to work knitting different sweaters until the bright yellow and black ones fit and the bees are never the same again. Readers will also discover the special embossing featured on every page of this book.
Stati Uniti : Disney, 2017
Abstract/Sommario: Ventisei anni dopo il film d'animazione che per primo sfondò la barriera della nomination all'Oscar come Miglior Film, la Disney torna su quei luoghi incantanti: il villaggio francese di Belle e il castello stregato della Bestia, dove un orologio, un candelabro, una teiera e la sua tazzina, il piccolo Chicco, trascorrono l'esistenza prede di un sortilegio, sperando che non cada anzitempo l'ultimo petalo di una rosa o non torneranno mai più umani.
London : Puffin Books, 1991
Abstract/Sommario: Benjamin bear cub will soon have a little brother or sister to play with! He can't wait for the baby to be born. But afterwards he finds that babies can be a nuisance. Perhaps it was better being an only bear cub, after all.
Hong Kong : Benji's Nest, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: Benji, a bird of Hong Kong origin, learns about mani Chinese festivals which are an exciting part of living in the Territory. Both children and adults can now enjoy discovering the significance and culture involved in these festivals.
New York : Random House, 2001
Abstract/Sommario: Sister has hurt her ankle! The good news is that it gets her out of gym class . . . a class she hates. Once it heals, will Sister leap back in, or will she stay sitting on the sidelines.
New York : Random House Books for Young Readers, 1988
Abstract/Sommario: Brother, Sister, and Cousin Fred are off to a Bear Scout camping trip. But once they are in the woods, the cubs think they see a ghost – or is it just Papa playing a trick?
New Yord : Random House Books for Young Readers, 1989
Abstract/Sommario: Papa, Mama, Brother, and Sister are heading to the Great Grizzly Mountains for a relaxing vacation. But a messy cabin, noisy animals, a swarm of mosquitos, and a rainstorm just might dampen all of their fun.
New York : Random House, 2003
Abstract/Sommario: Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and Sister Bear has big plans to get the attention of Herbie Cubbison, the cutest cub in class. And she’s going to let that no-good nuisance, Billy Grizzwold, know exactly how she feels about him and his never-ending pranks. But when Sister receives an extra-special valentine, she might just have to rethink her planned Valentine’s...
New York : Random House, 1981
Abstract/Sommario: This is the story of the Bear family's move to their now-famous tree house in Bear Country. Would Brother Bear like it? Would he find new friends? He wasn't sure until he got there.
New York : Random House, 1970
Abstract/Sommario: Out shopping, the Bears look at frilly and silly hats, bumpy and lumpy ones. Offers slapstick humor and simple concepts of sizes and shape.
New York : Random House, 1986
Abstract/Sommario: In a delightful tale told in rhyme, the Bears cope with weightlessness, meteor showers, and moon dust...
New York : Random House, 2023
Abstract/Sommario: Sister has gotten into a bad habit of talking to strangers, and now it's up to Papa, Mama, and Brother to show her the important rules of safety. Includes a list of Brother and Sister' Rules for Cubs.
New York : Random House, 1997
Abstract/Sommario: An astonishing album with almost any A word children can say. It's guaranteed to make learning to read a bundle of fun! Why do angry ants advance across, an apple, an acorn, an apricot, an ax, and angleworm?
London : Puffin Books, 2001
Abstract/Sommario: The BFG is a big, friendly giant who spirits a child out of bed one dark night. Fortunately, this giant really is friendly, but his countrymen in the land of giants are inveterate child-eaters. Can the child enlist the aid of his kidnapper in stopping the nightly massacre?
London : Awards Publication, 1976
London : DK Children, 1993
Abstract/Sommario: These attractive and informative titles...offer sound advice for first-time pet owners.
Riva San Vitale : Edizioni del Faro, 2006
Abstract/Sommario: E' un libro sull'autostima, la tolleranza, la comprensione e l'amore. Un libro semplice e potente, per tutti, adulti e bambini, insegnanti e scuole. Ogni pagina presenta un pensiero che può migliorare la nostra vita, perché cambiando i pensieri si può cambiare la nostra realtà. Quello che pensiamo di noi stessi è come una finestra che apriamo dalla quale vediamo un mondo positivo o un mondo negativo. Inizia tutto da noi.
Montreal : Tormont, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: "Yppee!" shouts Tatty Ted. "Today is my birthday!" "Lot of birthday cards for me!" . But there are no cards for him...
New York : Harper Collins, 2000
Abstract/Sommario: Biscuit doesn't want to play fetch the ball, until the ball lands in a mud puddle. Then Biscuit can't wait to show off his new trick!
New York : HarperCollins, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: Pet the fuzzy yellow chick and hunt for shiny Easter eggs as you join Biscuit in this Easter touch-and-feel adventure! The sturdy board book pages and simple text are just right for babies and toddlers.
Bath : Parragon, 2001
Abstract/Sommario: Children will love following Captain Jack and his boat as they sail out to sea. A colourful 'first words' storybook offers an exciting and imaginative way of recognizing first words and building up their vocabulary.
London : Usborne, c2008
Abstract/Sommario: Every day, Sam takes the same old sheep up the same old mountain. What can he do to make life a little more exciting? Find out in this lively retelling of the classic story by Aesop.
New York: Puffin books, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: Alberto, the town's coffin maker, and Tito, a runaway boy, both lonely after suffering tragic losses, learn the power of friendship as thez trz to escape the shadows of their pasts.
New York : Henry Holt and Company, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: Vediamo un orso bruno, un uccellino rosso, un'anatra gialla, un cavallo blu, una rana verde, un gatto rosso, un cane bianco ...
New York : Henry Holt and Company, 1995
Abstract/Sommario: The repetition and colorful illustrations in this classic picture book by Bill Martin Jr, make it a favorite of many children. On each page, we meet a new animal who helps us discover which creature will show up next. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see? I see a redbird looking at me...".
London : Dean & Son, 1976
Abstract/Sommario: Bunty, the baby teddy bear, was sipping his morning tea when his friend, Bobalink, hurried in looking very important...
Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2006
Abstract/Sommario: Natale sta arrivando! Fragolina Dolcecuore vuole fare qualcosa per i suoi amici, così insieme a Honey Pie Pony si reca in un luogo magico chiamato Holiday Land alla ricerca dei regali perfetti. E li trova! Purtroppo però un mucchio di palle di neve sciolte distrugge i doni scelti con cura da Fragolina. Alla fine però, Fragolina impara che l'amicizia è il più bel regalo che ci sia.
Milano : Cinehollywood, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: Nel primo episodio Spotty aiuta due renne a ritrovare la slitta perduta di Babbo Natale, mentre nel secondo Spotty partecipa a una grande festa insieme ai nonni.
[Italia] : National Geographic, c2002
New York : Hyperion books for children, 2010
Abstract/Sommario: In this book friends Piggie and Gerald are having a good day until Piggie announces she is going. Gerald is upset, distraught, angry, sad until he realizes Piggie is just going to have lunch. Then they have it together making Gerald happy.
Monte San Vito : Raffaello : Celtic publishing, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: The Otis family, from America, decides to move to England, to Canterville Chase. There they discover that the house is haunted by a ghost, Sir Simon, who has no intention of sharing his abode with strangers.
Milano : Mondadori, 1982
Abstract/Sommario: A Felicittà fervono i preparativi per il Natale e non può mancare l'albero decorato che Zigo-Zago e i suoi amici vanno a prendere nel vivaio di Pollice Verde: è la prima di 12 storie con sfondo natalizio a Felicittà.
New York : Harper Collins, 1973
Abstract/Sommario: When a little boy plants a carrot seed, everyone tells him it won't grow. But when you are very young, there are some things that you just know, and the little boy knows that one day a carrot will come up.
Racine : Western Publishing Company, 1995
Milano : Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2015
Tiranneggiata dalla matrigna e dalle sorellastre, la dolce Ella si rifiuta di disperarsi o di vendicarsi e sceglie invece di onorare le ultime parole di sua madre: "Sii gentile e abbi coraggio". Quando un giorno incontra nel bosco un uomo affascinante, decide di prendere in mano il suo destino nella speranza di rivederlo. Un ballo reale, una fata madrina e una scarpetta di cristallo e la magia diventa presto realtà.
London : Scholastic, 1993
Abstract/Sommario: While Kristy is in the hospital recovering from an appendectomy, she receives a chain letter for telling secrets, which throughout the summer circulates around the United States to her fellow club members, who are having better summer vacations than Krist...
Chi vuole un rinoceronte a un prezzo speciale?
/ di Shel Silverstein ; traduzione di Paola Splendore
Roma : Orecchio acerbo, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: Un rinoceronte è un comodo animale da compagnia e se ne possono fare svariati usi: può infatti diventare un comodo attaccapanni, un grattaschiena, una lampada, un tritura-brutte pagelle...
London : Usborne, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: "The sky is falling!" cries Chicken Licken. Soon every animal in the farmyard is rushing to warn the King. Even sly old Foxy Loxy wants to help. Or does he...?
London : DK Eyewitness Books, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Be an eyewitness to a nation of more than a billion people, and learn about their history, their culture and their way of life.
ACP Publishing, 1989
Abstract/Sommario: Classic fried rice, beef with black bean sauce, chicken chow mein and deep-fried ice cream balls - few have not experienced the delights of Chinese cuisine. This work demonstrates that an authentic Chinese meal is as quick and easy to prepare at home as it is to order in.
New York [etc] : Scholastic, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Geronimo Stilton, adventuremouse? Not me! But surely a little skiing couldn't hurt a rodent, right? Wrong. Moldy mozzarella! When my ski trip landed me in the hospital, I was sure it was going to be the worst Christmas ever! But my family and friends had something else in mind. . . .
London : Simon & Schuster
Abstract/Sommario: One wonderful night, just before Christmas, a long, loud line of musical animals comes marching down your street...
London : Orion, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: Winter is coming. Souls' Night draws near. Eostra the Eagle Owl Mage holds the clans in the grip of terror. Torak must leave the Forest and seek her lair in the Mountain of Ghosts, while Renn faces an agonizing decision. Wolf, their faithful pack-brother, must overcome wrenching grief. And in the final fight against the forces of darkness, Torak will make the most shattering choice of all.
Ghost Hunter draws you for the last time into the shadowy world of the deep past, and brings To ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Ghost Hunter draws you for the last time into the shadowy world of the deep past, and brings To ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London : Orion, 2016
Abstract/Sommario: When he was outcast, Torak was the hunted one. Nine moons later he becomes the hunter when he vows to avenge the killing of one of his closest friends. Racked by guilt and grief, he follows the killer into the Deep Forest, where the World Spirit stalks the hidden valleys as a tall man with the antlers of a stag. But there is a rottenness at the heart of the Forest, for its clans have succumbed to the lies of the Soul-Eaters. Here, Torak must face fire, war, and overwhelming evil. Oath ...; [Leggi tutto...]