La Biblioteca dei ragazzi; via Besso 13; 6903 Lugano, + 41 91 967 20 34|
Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
Kusugak, Michael

A promise is a promise

Toronto : Annick Press, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: A Qallupilluq is an imaginary Inuit creature, somewhat like a troll, that lives in Hudson Bay. It wears a woman’s parka made of loon feathers and reportedly grabs children when they come too near cracks in the ice. The Inuit traditionally spend a lot of time on the sea ice, so the Qallupilluq were clearly invented as a means to help keep children away from dangerous crevices.
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Descrizione A promise is a promise / Robert Munsch & Michael Kusugak; illustrated by Vladyana Krykorka. - Toronto : Annick Press, 2009. - 32 p. : ill. ; 20x20 cm
ID scheda 21816
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Kusugak, Michael
Munsch, Robert
Krykorka, Vladyana
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0020591 LA BIBLIOTECA DEI RAGAZZI ALTRE LINGUE / Inglese / Albi illustrati Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna