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Santarcangelo di Romagna : Rusconi Libri, Carteduca, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: Un divertente dizionario per conoscere e imparare tante parole in inglese.
Genève : La Joie de lire, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: 25 animali il cui nome incomincia (esclusa qualche eccezione) con la stessa lettera in cinque lingue diverse: francese, italiano, spagnolo, tedesco e inglese. Un alfabeto multiculturale con grandi pagine colorate.
Cape Town : Struik, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: Once again author and illustrator Jacqui Taylor has drawn inspiration from the animals, plants and images of Africa for this delightful book of verse.
Children will love the bright colours, textures and detail in her illustrations, which are factual rather than fantastical and therefore educational, yet in a fun style. The verses themselves are rhythmical and make use of indigenous words in the context of the imagery.
Also included is a section of fascinating facts that teach a ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Children will love the bright colours, textures and detail in her illustrations, which are factual rather than fantastical and therefore educational, yet in a fun style. The verses themselves are rhythmical and make use of indigenous words in the context of the imagery.
Also included is a section of fascinating facts that teach a ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London : Harper Collins, 2014
Abstract/Sommario: Paddington Bear had travelled all the way from Darkest Peru when the Brown family first met him on Paddington station. Since then their lives have never been quite the same... for ordinary things become quite extraordinary when a bear called Paddington is involved.
Zurich : Orell Füssli, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: All through the summer in the Engadine Mountains of Switzerland the cattle feed in the mountain meadows, carrying bells round their necks. The calves have little bells and the cows have big ones...
Ursli is a little boy who lives in the Swiss Alps. In order to find a big cowbell so that he can lead the spring procession through his village, he goes alone to his family's chalet high up in the mountains. There, he spends a lonely, scary night.
London : Piccadilly Press, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Teasel is sad when his hedgehog friend, Bramble, has to hibernate. But he's determined that Bramble shouldn't miss out on the fun of winter when he's asleep.
This is a heart-warming tale of separation and friendship.
San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: This beautiful board book features eight of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic poems with antique illustrations by some of the best-known children's book illustrators of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including Charles Robinson, Henriette Willebeek Le Mair and Jessie Willcox Smith.
New York : Random House, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: In the title story, Gordon and Henry laugh at Edward when some cows break his train. But when a cow blocks the line several days later, it's Edward who has the last laugh. Also included are "Double Trouble," "Old Iron," and "Percy Takes the Plunge."
London : Egmont, 2017
Abstract/Sommario: The Land of Goodies has come to the top of the Faraway Tree, and it is the tastiest place that Joe, Beth, Frannie and Rick have ever been. There are ice-cream trees, lollipop bushes and fences made of marshmallow!
The magical Faraway Tree has been entertaining readers for more than 75 years. Now these colour short stories offer a great way for a whole host of young new readers to discover the adventures of Silky, Moon-Face, the Saucepan Man and all of their friends in the Enchante ...; [Leggi tutto...]
The magical Faraway Tree has been entertaining readers for more than 75 years. Now these colour short stories offer a great way for a whole host of young new readers to discover the adventures of Silky, Moon-Face, the Saucepan Man and all of their friends in the Enchante ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Middlesex : Puffin Books, 1984
Abstract/Sommario: A trip to the seaside changes Dan and Mary's lives forever. The gift they bring back for their mother couldn't be more perfect, a beautiful egg-shaped stone. But one day Mary notices something strange, and sure enough it hatches.
New York : Harper Collins, c1996
Abstract/Sommario: Little Bear is so pleased with the picture he has drawn that he asks Hen to take it to his grandmother. Grandmother is so happy with it that she sends him back a thank-you kiss. How the kiss is passed from Grandmother, to Hen, to Cat, to Little Skunk, to a pretty girl skunk, and back to Little Skunk, and how eventually it comes again to Hen and finally to Little Bear will delight children just learning to read.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1994
Abstract/Sommario: One night two young couples run into an enchanted forest in an attempt to escape their problems. But these four humans do not realize that the forest is filled with fairies and hobgoblins who love making mischief. When Oberon, the Fairy King, and his loyal hobgoblin servant, Puck, intervene in human affairs, the fate of these young couples is magically and hilariously transformed.
London : Usborne, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: It's Midsummer Night... In the woods outside Athens, two fairies are up to mischief. Their spells lead to chaos, confusion and a weaver with the head of a donkey. This is a magical retelling of one of Shakespeare's most popular comedies.
Toronto : Annick Press, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: A Qallupilluq is an imaginary Inuit creature, somewhat like a troll, that lives in Hudson Bay. It wears a woman’s parka made of loon feathers and reportedly grabs children when they come too near cracks in the ice. The Inuit traditionally spend a lot of time on the sea ice, so the Qallupilluq were clearly invented as a means to help keep children away from dangerous crevices.
London : J. Cape, 1997
Abstract/Sommario: E' un racconto commovente di una donna anziana che si salva per miracolo dopo l'arresto di un ladro che cerca di rovinare il Natale per i poveri.
Firenze, Trieste : Editoriale Scienza, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: Un viaggio incantato nel lontano selvaggio Nord ad ascoltare un racconto realista ed emozionante che ti porta a condividere il rispetto per uno degli animali più belli e incompresi del mondo.
Cesena : Macro Junior, 2022
Abstract/Sommario: A come Albero, Aereo e Aquilone, B come Barca, e Bambola di pezza, C come Cigno, Cobra e Coccodrillo. E così via fino alla Z di Zero! Un libro che permette di imparare l'alfabeto e le posizioni dello Yoga. Ce ne sono di divertenti, spiritose e entusiasmanti, e ognuna permette di avere benefici a livello fisico, mentale e spirituale. Con questo libro infatti i bambini possono: scoprire lo Yoga, un'antica disciplina adatta a tutti; imparare l'alfabeto e l'inglese; divertirsi a leggere le ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Austria : Universal Studios, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: L'aquilotto più forte è destinato a scacciare dal nido il fratello più debole: questo è solitamente ciò che accade quando due piccoli di aquila si trovano a condividere lo stesso nido. Spesso accade anche tra gli uomini che, a ferirli, siano proprio le persone più vicine. Lukas, infatti, soffre a causa della freddezza che il padre mostra nei suoi confronti successivamente alla dolorosa perdita della moglie, morta nel tentativo di salvare il piccolo Lukas da un incendio. Il bambino port ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Londra : Ladybird books, 1994
Abstract/Sommario: A combination of story and information book based on the zoo which is a popular preschool topic. It is designed to develop early reading skills such as left to right hand/eye movement and simple word recognition.
Morton Grove : Albert Whitman & Co, 1986
Abstract/Sommario: Although Celia reacts to having been adopted with anger and insecurity, her parents help her accept her feelings and celebrate their love for her by making her adoption day a family holiday. Includes factual information about the adoption process.