Risultati ricerca
Toronto : Annick Press, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: A Qallupilluq is an imaginary Inuit creature, somewhat like a troll, that lives in Hudson Bay. It wears a woman’s parka made of loon feathers and reportedly grabs children when they come too near cracks in the ice. The Inuit traditionally spend a lot of time on the sea ice, so the Qallupilluq were clearly invented as a means to help keep children away from dangerous crevices.
Montreal : Tormont, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: "Yppee!" shouts Tatty Ted. "Today is my birthday!" "Lot of birthday cards for me!" . But there are no cards for him...
Montreal : Tormont, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: BB is off to meet his friend Tatty Ted. "That silly bear is always up to something", BB thinks...
Montreal : Tormont, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: Ragtime and BB are playing happily. "Help! Help!" pants Tatty Ted, joining them. "A little bear is stuck up a tree" "We must go to the rescue", says BB...
Platt & Munk Publishers, 2000
Abstract/Sommario: "I think I can! I think I can!" The classic tale of the little engine who wasn't afraid to try. Here is a delightful adaptation of one of the best-selling children's books of all time with a vocabulary specially geared for beginning readers.
Stati Uniti, Gran Bretagna, Canada: Leone Film Group, Eagle Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, 2016
Abstract/Sommario: Il GGG è un gigante che rapisce Sophie, una bambina che vive a Londra, e la porta nella sua caverna. Sophie ben presto si rende conto che il gigante è in realtà dolce, amichevole e può insegnarle cose meravigliose...
Montreal : Tormont, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: It is a warm, moonlight night. The three little bears, Ragtime, Tatty Ted and BB are very sleepy. Tatty Ted looks up at the stars and starts to dream...
Burbank : DC Comics, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: "Lois Lane and her friend Kristen want to promote their friendship video channel at the big neighborhood barbecue and bike race but when the fireworks go missing and a new girl takes up all of Kristen's attention, Lois tries to face her challenges and still celebrate the summer."
Canada : Barron's, 2003
Abstract/Sommario: When someone takes one of Beatrice the beaver's branches, she searches for the animal who made off with the stick with only the creature's tracks to guide her, and must look at many North American animals' steps to find the answer.