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Milano : Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2015
Tiranneggiata dalla matrigna e dalle sorellastre, la dolce Ella si rifiuta di disperarsi o di vendicarsi e sceglie invece di onorare le ultime parole di sua madre: "Sii gentile e abbi coraggio". Quando un giorno incontra nel bosco un uomo affascinante, decide di prendere in mano il suo destino nella speranza di rivederlo. Un ballo reale, una fata madrina e una scarpetta di cristallo e la magia diventa presto realtà.
London : Scholastic, 1993
Abstract/Sommario: While Kristy is in the hospital recovering from an appendectomy, she receives a chain letter for telling secrets, which throughout the summer circulates around the United States to her fellow club members, who are having better summer vacations than Krist...
Chi vuole un rinoceronte a un prezzo speciale?
/ di Shel Silverstein ; traduzione di Paola Splendore
Roma : Orecchio acerbo, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: Un rinoceronte è un comodo animale da compagnia e se ne possono fare svariati usi: può infatti diventare un comodo attaccapanni, un grattaschiena, una lampada, un tritura-brutte pagelle...
London : Usborne, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: "The sky is falling!" cries Chicken Licken. Soon every animal in the farmyard is rushing to warn the King. Even sly old Foxy Loxy wants to help. Or does he...?
London : DK Eyewitness Books, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Be an eyewitness to a nation of more than a billion people, and learn about their history, their culture and their way of life.
ACP Publishing, 1989
Abstract/Sommario: Classic fried rice, beef with black bean sauce, chicken chow mein and deep-fried ice cream balls - few have not experienced the delights of Chinese cuisine. This work demonstrates that an authentic Chinese meal is as quick and easy to prepare at home as it is to order in.
New York [etc] : Scholastic, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Geronimo Stilton, adventuremouse? Not me! But surely a little skiing couldn't hurt a rodent, right? Wrong. Moldy mozzarella! When my ski trip landed me in the hospital, I was sure it was going to be the worst Christmas ever! But my family and friends had something else in mind. . . .
London : Simon & Schuster
Abstract/Sommario: One wonderful night, just before Christmas, a long, loud line of musical animals comes marching down your street...
London : Orion, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: Winter is coming. Souls' Night draws near. Eostra the Eagle Owl Mage holds the clans in the grip of terror. Torak must leave the Forest and seek her lair in the Mountain of Ghosts, while Renn faces an agonizing decision. Wolf, their faithful pack-brother, must overcome wrenching grief. And in the final fight against the forces of darkness, Torak will make the most shattering choice of all.
Ghost Hunter draws you for the last time into the shadowy world of the deep past, and brings To ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Ghost Hunter draws you for the last time into the shadowy world of the deep past, and brings To ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London : Orion, 2016
Abstract/Sommario: When he was outcast, Torak was the hunted one. Nine moons later he becomes the hunter when he vows to avenge the killing of one of his closest friends. Racked by guilt and grief, he follows the killer into the Deep Forest, where the World Spirit stalks the hidden valleys as a tall man with the antlers of a stag. But there is a rottenness at the heart of the Forest, for its clans have succumbed to the lies of the Soul-Eaters. Here, Torak must face fire, war, and overwhelming evil. Oath ...; [Leggi tutto...]