La Biblioteca dei ragazzi; via Besso 13; 6903 Lugano, + 41 91 967 20 34|
Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
Hale, Shannon

The unbeatable Squirrel Girl : Squirrel meets World

New York : Marvel, 2017
Abstract/Sommario: Who Runs the World? Squirrels! Fourteen-year-old Doreen Green moved from sunny California to the suburbs of New Jersey. She must start at a new school, make new friends, and continue to hide her fluffy tail. Yep, Doreen has the powers of . . . a squirrel!After failing at several attempts to find her new BFF, Doreen feels lonely and trapped, like a caged animal. Then one day Doreen uses her extraordinary powers to stop a group of troublemakers from causing mischief in the neighborhood, ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione The unbeatable Squirrel Girl : Squirrel meets World / Shannon Hale & Dean Hale. - New York : Marvel, 2017. - 324 p. : 22 cm
ID scheda 27980
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0025699 LA BIBLIOTECA DEI RAGAZZI ALTRE LINGUE / Inglese / Narrativa +8 Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna