La Biblioteca dei ragazzi; via Besso 13; 6903 Lugano, + 41 91 967 20 34|
Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
Feiffer, Kate

Double Pink

New York : Simon & Schuster, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: Madison loves pink. In fact, “pink” was her very first word, so it was no surprise to anyone when she grew up to embrace pink with a passion: her room, her clothes, even the mashed potatoes at her birthday dinner were all pink, pink, pink.
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Descrizione Double Pink / by Kate Feiffer ; illustrated by Bruce Ingman. - New York : Simon & Schuster, 2005. - 32 p. ; ill. ; 26 cm
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ID scheda 18970
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Barcode Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato Prenotazioni
0018773 LA BIBLIOTECA DEI RAGAZZI ALTRE LINGUE / Inglese / Albi illustrati Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna