Risultati ricerca
London : Faber and Faber, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: Wilhelmina Silver's world is golden. Living half-wild on an African farm with her horse, her monkey and her best friend, every day is beautiful.
But when her home is sold and Will is sent away to boarding school in England, the world becomes impossibly difficult. For lions and hyenas are nothing compared to packs of schoolgirls. Where can a girl run to in London? And will she have the courage to survive?
New York : Beginner books, 1989
Abstract/Sommario: Written for beginning readers using only 75 different words, this beloved Beginner Book by P.D. Eastman—edited by Dr. Seuss—features all kinds of wonderful dogs riding bicycles, scooters, skiis, roller skates, and driving all sorts of vehicles on their way to a party held on top of a tree.
London : Franklin Watts, 1999
Abstract/Sommario: Describes education through the centuries in various cultures, including Greek, Egyptian, Native American, and European.
Pisa : Campanila, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: Nella mente di un calciatore, che sta giocando in una partita di campionato del mondo, il ricordo d'infanzia del suo primo clamoroso gol.
New York : Gallery books, 1991
Abstract/Sommario: Once upon a time there were Three Bears. There was a great big Papa Bear, a not-so-big Mama Bear, and a wee little Baby Bear. Each day, Mama Bear would make porridge for her family...
Milano : Motta Junior, 2006
Abstract/Sommario: Una banana per la sorella Oriana, due belle mele per la sua amica Adele e così via, uno dopo l'altro, i numeri da 1 a 10 vengono presentati da vari animali che allegramente si spartiscono un cesto di frutta.
London : Usborne, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: Tom and Elena are poor but happy, until the day Tom finds their white goose has laid a golden egg. Every morning they find another egg, every day they grow richer, but what happens when one golden egg a day just isn't enough?
Roma : Edizioni la Repubblica, 2003
Milano : Universal Studios, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: Al di sopra della città di Chissarà, dentro una grotta profonda e confortevole, vive il Grinch col suo cane Max. Verde, peloso e solitario, il Grinch odia il Natale, ne odia le assemblee di persone, lo spirito allegro e cordiale e soprattutto i canti. Per cinquantatré lunghi anni l'ha sopportato, ma ora non ce la fa più e prende una decisione radicale: ruberà il Natale ai ChiNonSo. Nottetempo, porterà loro via tutti i regali, gli addobbi, la felicità. Allora sì che smetteranno di canta ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London : Macmillan Children's, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: Walk further into the deep dark wood, and discover what happens when the quick-thinking mouse comes face to face with an owl, a snake and a hungry gruffalo . . .