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Norwalk : Innovative Kids, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: Little Pirate sees something fly by in the night sky and wonders what it could be. As he asks questions and makes observations, Little Pirate - along with the reader learns all about nocturnal animals...
Stati Uniti : Walt Disney Video, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: "Jake e i pirati dell'isola che non c'è" è una caccia al tesoro interattiva e piena di interventi musicali che presenta una ciurma di pirati bambini alle prese con due noti personaggi, Capitan Uncino e Spugna...
New York : Little Brown & Co, 1991
Abstract/Sommario: This gorgeously illustrated, full-color classic celebrates a time before email with an interactive picture book full of real letters to read aloud. The Jolly Postman brings a batch of wonderful letters for Christmas, including notes from the Big Bad Wolf and all the King’s men. Open this book, take out the letters, and discover what favorite characters would write to each other–and reimagine best-loved tales together.
Wisconsin : Western Publishing Inc., 1989
Abstract/Sommario: Featuring lively and humorous illustrations with simple yet informative text, this book tells the young reader how the fiercest dinosaur of the prehistoric world lived and why it earned the name "king of the dinosaurs."
New York : Scholastic, 1985
Abstract/Sommario: Koko the gorilla uses sign language to talk to her handlers. When she asks for a pet, her handlers search high and low for the perfect companion. The real life experience of Koko, a gorilla in California who uses sign language, with a young kitten whom she loved and grieved over when it died.
[New York] : Harper Collins, c1985
Abstract/Sommario: This is the first of the five classic books about Little Bear, introducing the funny and strikingly childlike bear cub and his friends. The combination of Else Holmelund Minarik's simple, yet eloquent, stories and Maurice Sendak's warm, tender illustrations have made this beloved character an enduring favorite among beginning readers.
New York : Platt & Munk, c1988
Abstract/Sommario: The little blue engine comes to the rescue again! More adventures await the famous little engine, who thought she could and did make it over the mountain. In this exciting story she uses her determination and bravery to help out her very best friend, the toy clown.
New York : Puffin books, 1999
Abstract/Sommario: The busy Boston streets are too dangerous for eight little ducklings! But with a little help from a friendly policeman, Mrs. Mallard and her familiy arrive safely at their new home... One of the merriest picture books ever.
Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1994
Abstract/Sommario: Martha's back and this time she's talking up a storm on the telephone! When she wins a free weekend for her and her family at the Come-On-Inn, the trouble really begins.
Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: When Helen Finney feeds alphabet soup to her dog, Martha, it goes straight up to her brain, and Martha begins to speak! But having a talking dog isn't always as much fun as it seems.