Risultati ricerca
Mantova : Corraini, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: Bombolette di vernice spray per dipingere sui muri, opere che si auto-distruggono o che costano troppo poco, parchi giochi al contrario: basta questo per riconoscere Banksy, eppure nessuno sa chi sia davvero. Il nuovo libro di Fausto Gilberti, dedicato allo street-artist dall'identità segreta, è pieno di punti di domanda: Banksy si nasconde, e noi ci divertiamo a inseguire i suoi graffiti in giro per il mondo. E a farci raccontare del giorno in cui ha popolato di squali il lago di un p ...; [Leggi tutto...]
New York : McElderry, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Sweet Bear isn’t feeling well at all. He is achy, sneezy, wheezy, and just plain sick! He’s in no shape to go outside to play. So Mole, Hare, Mouse, and the rest of the gang try to make Bear feel as comfortable as possible in his cave. Bear starts to get better—but as soon as Bear is well, all of his friends get sick!
New York : Little Simon, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: One by one, a whole host of different animals and birds find their way out of the cold and into Bear's cave to warm up. But even after the tea has been brewed and the corn has been popped, Bear just snores on!
New York : Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: Bear and his friends are munching on their lunch when all of sudden… Bear feels something wiggling and wobbling in his mouth. Oh no! What can it be? It’s Bear’s first loose tooth!
New York : Scholastic, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: Unhappy about having to go with her older brother Henry to the library for the third day in a row, Beatrice puts up quite a pout and refuses to take part in any of the fun things that are available to her, but when she discovers story hour, Beatrice realizes that the library is actually quite a fun place to be!
Wisconsin : Western Publishing Inc., 1991
London : Silver Dolphin Books, 2003
Abstract/Sommario: "Bee Gets a Sweater" begins a long time ago, when all bees were just plain black. Spider has a brilliant idea. She sets to work knitting different sweaters until the bright yellow and black ones fit and the bees are never the same again. Readers will also discover the special embossing featured on every page of this book.
Stati Uniti : Disney, 2017
Abstract/Sommario: Ventisei anni dopo il film d'animazione che per primo sfondò la barriera della nomination all'Oscar come Miglior Film, la Disney torna su quei luoghi incantanti: il villaggio francese di Belle e il castello stregato della Bestia, dove un orologio, un candelabro, una teiera e la sua tazzina, il piccolo Chicco, trascorrono l'esistenza prede di un sortilegio, sperando che non cada anzitempo l'ultimo petalo di una rosa o non torneranno mai più umani.
London : Puffin Books, 1991
Abstract/Sommario: Benjamin bear cub will soon have a little brother or sister to play with! He can't wait for the baby to be born. But afterwards he finds that babies can be a nuisance. Perhaps it was better being an only bear cub, after all.
Hong Kong : Benji's Nest, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: Benji, a bird of Hong Kong origin, learns about mani Chinese festivals which are an exciting part of living in the Territory. Both children and adults can now enjoy discovering the significance and culture involved in these festivals.