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New York : Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic, 2017
Abstract/Sommario: In thirteen-year-old Aster's family, all the girls are raised to be witches, while boys grow up to be shapeshifters. Anyone who dares cross those lines is exiled. Unfortunately for Aster, he still hasn't shifted . . . and he's still fascinated by witchery, no matter how forbidden it might be. When a mysterious danger threatens the other boys, Aster knows he can help -- as a witch. It will take the encouragement of a new friend, the non-magical and non-conforming Charlie, to convince As ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Italia : 01 Distribution. RAI Cinema S.p.A., 2017
Abstract/Sommario: La coinvolgente storia di August Pullman, detto Auggie che, nato con una rara malattia, si trova ad affrontare il mondo della scuola per la prima volta. Come sarà accettato dai compagni e dagli insegnanti? Chi sarà suo amico? L'amore della sua meravigliosa famiglia, una grande dose di coraggio e la sua travolgente gentilezza lo aiuteranno a trovare il suo posto nel mondo e nel cuore dei suoi compagni di scuola.
London : Walker Books Ltd, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: Everyone in Jellybee Street says that Nell is the luckiest girl alive to have such a wonderful big brother as Robert; and isn't Robert lucky to have such a sweetie-pie sister as Nell? But one day Nell goes to bed as sweet as a pie and wakes up as sour as a lemon.
Kettering : Index, 1995
Abstract/Sommario: Eight enchanting stories.
London : Penguin, 2002
Abstract/Sommario: This set of books contains the tales of all of Beatrix's lovable characters, from naughty Peter Rabbit himself, to tidy Mrs. Tittlemouse and unlucky Mr. Jeremy Fisher. These tales have charmed and enchanted children for generation.
New York : Orchad Books, 1993
New York : HarperCollins, 1987
Random House, Sesame Workshop, 2000
Abstract/Sommario: Zak thinks his sister Wheezie's room is a mess, so he decides to clean it for her, but when he throws away all of her things, poor Zak soon learns that one dragon's trash is another dragon's treasure. Original.
Milano : Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2010
Abstract/Sommario: Quando Babbo Natale e il suo nuovo migliore amico, Zampa, scoprono che tutti i ragazzi del mondo non sentono più lo spirito natalizio, si mettono in viaggio verso New York. Ma dopo che Babbo Natale perde la memoria, tocca a Zampa, ad una fedele orfana di nome Quinn, alla sua nuova amica Willamina e ad un gruppo fantastico di cani parlanti svelarlo e mostrare al mondo intero il vero spirito natalizio.
New York : Scholastic press, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: "Michael," said Karl. "There's a really big bear in the backyard." This is how three children meet Stillwater, a giant panda who moves into the neighborhood and tells amazing tales. To Addy he tells a story about the value of material goods. To Michael he pushes the boundaries of good and bad. And to Karl he demonstrates what it means to hold on to frustration. With graceful art and simple stories that are filled with love and enlightenment, Jon Muth and Stillwater the bear present thr ...; [Leggi tutto...]