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London : HarperCollins, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: Sapphy and her brother Conor can't forget their adventures in Ingo, the mysterious world beneath the sea. They long to see their Mer friends once more, and a crisis is brewing far below.
Milano : Walt Disney Studios,
Abstract/Sommario: Unitevi a Pooh, Tigro, Darby e Buster per seguire gli indizi e scoprire un grande divertimento!
London : Usborne, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: Tom is delighted when he receives a box of tin soldiers for his birthday. But he has no idea they come to life while he's asleep! It's not long before one little soldier lands in big trouble in this lively retelling of a classic tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
New York : Random House, 1987
Abstract/Sommario: Titanic. Just the name evokes tales of the doomed ship that have captivated people of all ages for more than 100 years.
Early readers will enjoy this exciting account of the world's most famous disaster-at-sea and the discovery of it's remains many years later.
England : Invader Ltd (1989)
Abstract/Sommario: Julian is very sad because his rabbit, Titou, has disappeard. His parents give him other pets but nothing will replace Titou...
London : Arrow, 2010
Abstract/Sommario: It is set in the fictional town of Maycomb, Ala., during the Great Depression. The protagonist is Jean Louise (“Scout”) Finch, an intelligent and unconventional girl who ages from six to nine years old during the course of the novel. She and her brother, Jem, are raised by their widowed father, Atticus Finch, a prominent lawyer who encourages his children to be empathetic and just. When Tom Robinson, a Black man, is falsely accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman, Atticus agrees ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Lecce : Youcanprint, 2023
Abstract/Sommario: An unexpected Tok Tok.. what the tall tree is trying to tell you? Discover an heartwarming tale of new friends!
New York : Random House, 2000
Abstract/Sommario: From a lion's mouth to a clam's, explore all the things teeth can do, how they grow, and how to keep them in tip top shape! Dr. Seuss's rhymes will delight young readers and help them discover the world around them, starting with their own bodies!
The Walt Disney Company Italia, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: Contiene nove storie super pazze:
Tic Tac Topolino
Una sfiziosa cenetta
Un organo inorganico
Il regalo che ha preso il volo
La macchina pulitrice
Auto che vengono, caffettiere che vanno
La gomma da masticare
Il grande guaio di Topolino
Il pasticcio di Topolino
Oxford : Macmillan, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: In 1985, Simpson and Yates reached the summit of Siula Grande a major peak in the Cordillera Huayhuash in the Peruvian Andes via the previously unclimbed West Face. They began descending via the peak's North Ridge which the pair found unexpectedly challenging with Yates falling through a cornice down the face they had just climbed but he was held by the rope which prevented him falling 4500ft to his death.