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London : Phaidon, 2006
Abstract/Sommario: Meet Nicholas: the world's best-loved French school boy. Nicholas's adventures are written by the author of Asterix, René Goscinny, with illustrations of the world-renowned illustrator, Jean-Jacques Sempé.
Whether at home or at school, Nicolas is forever in some kind of trouble. In this first book in the Nicolas series, he becomes involved with a shiny red bike, a new boy at school and a dog called Rex.
London : Phaidon, 2006
Abstract/Sommario: .A collection of stories which continues the adventures and misadventures of little Nicolas and his friends at school and at play.
London : Phaidon, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Nicholas and his friends always find exciting things to do... Nicholas is invited to Mary Jane's birthday party, and learns that walking on your hands is much harder than turning somersaults.
London : Little Tiger, 1999
Abstract/Sommario: This "fun-filled" rhyming counting book, with split-pages should delight children, as they discover its hidden surprises!
New York : Random House Inc., 1970
Abstract/Sommario: "I see a nose on every face. I see noses every place!” Noses come in all shapes, colors, and sizes and are handy to have for sniffling, smelling, and . . . playing horns? This simple, sometimes silly story offers little ones a first ode to the nose and all that it does.
Roma : Gallucci, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: Nel testo dell'omonima canzone la storia d'amore tra Gianni, che prepara pizze e toast al Super Bar, e Lilly, la cantante del night Ragno Blu.
New York : Priddy, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: Discover the incredible world of the oceans in this fun and informative book.
New York : Scholastic, 1996
Abstract/Sommario: Officer Buckle knows more about safety than anyone in the town of Napville. But whenever he tries to share his safety tips, nobody listens. Until, that is, the Napville Police Department buys a police dog named Gloria.
New York : Random House Books for Young Readers, 1990
Abstract/Sommario: "Don't be fooled by the title of this seriocomic ode to success; it's not 'Climb Every Mountain, ' kid version. All journeys face perils, whether from indecision, from loneliness, or worst of all, from too much waiting. Seuss' familiar pajama-clad hero is up to the challenge, and his odyssey is captured vividly in busy two-page spreads evoking both the good times (grinning purple elephants, floating golden castles) and the bad (deep blue wells of confusion).
Universal Studios, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: Le cinque sorelle Bennet sono state cresciute dalla madre con un unico obiettivo nella vita: trovare un marito. Nonostante questo, la secondogenita Lizzie ha almeno 100 buone ragioni per non sposarsi. Quando la signora Bennet viene a sapere che un ricco scapolo, insieme alla sua cerchia di amici sofisticati, sta per trasferirsi in una tenuta delle vicinanze, i Bennet non stanno più nella pelle, eccitati dalla speranza che non ci sia più penuria di giovani rampolli. Il nuovo arrivato, C ...; [Leggi tutto...]