Risultati ricerca
Milano : Salani, [2004]
Abstract/Sommario: Monster non è un mostro come gli altri: è alto e ha la testa pelata, va in giro tranquillo per la città, si cerca una casa che gli piace e poi la pulisce tutta per invitarci dei bambini.
Orlando : Harcourt, 1995
Abstract/Sommario: One day three white mice discover three jars of paint--red, blue, and yellow. Both parents and children alike will appreciate this lighthearted presentation of a lesson in color. “Walsh’s cut-paper collage illustrations have bold colors and just the right simplicity for the storyline.
London : Usborne, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: Father Mouse wants his daughter to marry the most powerful husband in the world. But Miss Mouse has her own ideas in this delightful folktale from Japan.
Middlesex : Puffin Books, 1982
Abstract/Sommario: Mr Gumpy lives by a river. One sunny day he decides to take a ride in his small boat. It is such a perfect idea, for such a perfect summer day, that he soon has company: first the children, then the rabbit, the cat, the dog, the pig, the sheep, the chickens, and still others until...
Milano : Rusconi, 1984
Abstract/Sommario: Facendo un giro con la sua nuova auto gialla Mr. Bliss incontra due agricoltori, tre orsi golosi di cavoli e banane e un'infinità di disavventure.
Racine (Wisconsin) : Western Publishing, 1993
Abstract/Sommario: Mr. Frumble is having a bad morning to say the least, so he goes into Mr. Raccoon's Coffee Shop for a glass of milk. Mr. Raccoon needs a roll of coins so he askes Mr. Frumble to watch the shop... not a good idea!
New York : Harcourt, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: When Billy was born, his family noticed something odd. He had a mustache. Now all his family has to do is fugure out if it's a good-guy mustache or a bad-guy mustache.
London : Ladybird, 2000
Abstract/Sommario: My favourite things is the perfect collection of books for preschool children. it's packed with bright, colourful pictures of young children's favourite things, from farm and wild animals to cars and big trucks. There are lots of simple questions designed to help your child to enjoy learning about numbers, colours, matching and sequencing.
London : DK Children, 2000
Abstract/Sommario: Babies learn to identify parts of the body and their uses with adorable pictures of little ones like themselves in this best-selling first word and picture book.
Colognola ai Colli : Demetra, 1997
Abstract/Sommario: Per i giovani studenti, desiderosi di imparare e allenarsi nella lingua inglese. Il testo si presenta in un grande formato ricco di immagini, a cui è associata la parola in inglese, divise per tavole tematiche: azioni, corpo umano, scuola, ristorante, negozi, tempo... per rendere più facile la lettura. È completato dal dizionario delle parole presenti.