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Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992
Abstract/Sommario: When Helen Finney feeds alphabet soup to her dog, Martha, it goes straight up to her brain, and Martha begins to speak! But having a talking dog isn't always as much fun as it seems.
New York : Lippincott, ©1974
Abstract/Sommario: After a hard day of play, a boy is called inside for dinner, but sent away to wash up first. He happens upon a Marvelous Mud Washing Machine in the forest behind his home, enters in one end, completes a series of steps to get clean, and comes out on the other end a shiny, clean child.
Milano: Buena Vista, 1964
Abstract/Sommario: Al numero 17 di Viale dei Ciliegi, George Banks, integerrimo bancario di Londra, gestisce la propria casa in maniera ferrea e precisa pretendendo sempre che le cose funzionino perfettamente. Quando la famiglia assume Mary Poppins come bambinaia, nonostante la severità ed il rigore della donna, i due bambini saranno incantati dalle sue doti, dai suoi amici e dai segreti nascosti nella sua borsa senza fondo. Mary cambierà la vita non solo a loro, ma alla famiglia intera
London : Puffin Books, 1989
Abstract/Sommario: Matilda is a genius. Unfortunately, her family treats her like a dolt. Her crooked car-salesman father and loud, bingo-obsessed mother think Matilda's only talent is as a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong in their miserable lives. But it's not long before the sweet and sensitive child decides to fight back...
New York : HarperCollins Publishers, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: Twelve-year-old Cici has just moved from Taiwan to Seattle, and the only thing she wants more than to fit in at her new school is to celebrate her grandmother, A-má’s, seventieth birthday together. Since she can’t go to A-má, Cici cooks up a plan to bring A-má to her by winning the grand prize in a kids’ cooking contest to pay for A-má’s plane ticket! There’s just one problem: Cici only knows how to cook Taiwanese food. And after her pickled cucumber debacle at lunch, she’s determined ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Stuttgart ; Zurich : Delphin Verlag, 1971
Abstract/Sommario: Mit mehr als 1200 bunten Zeichnungen und Wörtern.
Milano : Cinehollywood, c1999
Mantova : Corraini, 2001
Abstract/Sommario: La nota canzone per bambini veneta, qui riproposta con un finale a sorpresa, nella quale si narra di un merlo che via via perde il becco, un occhio, un'ala, le zampe, la coda, la testa, la pancia, i polmoni e il cuore.
London : Aladdin Books, 1993
Abstract/Sommario: Michelangelo's magnificent paintings, statues, and architectural designs rank among the highest achievements of the Italian Renaissance. He was born a generation after Leonardo da Vinci, and grew up in an atmosphere in which art was in full flower.
Milano : Cinehollywood, c2000