Risultati ricerca
Milano : Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2013
Mowgli, dopo aver perso i genitori in un tragico incidente, viene adottato dai lupi e cresce tra gli animali della foresta. Ma ora deve tornare tra gli uomini perché la tigre Shere-Khan, la mangiatrice di uomini, è tornata per ucciderlo. Con l'orso Baloo, Baghera la pantera nera ed il serpente Kaa, Mowgli scoprirà un mondo fantastico ma pieno di insidie.
Torino : Petrini, 2002
[New York] : Harper Collins, c1985
Abstract/Sommario: This is the first of the five classic books about Little Bear, introducing the funny and strikingly childlike bear cub and his friends. The combination of Else Holmelund Minarik's simple, yet eloquent, stories and Maurice Sendak's warm, tender illustrations have made this beloved character an enduring favorite among beginning readers.
New York : Platt & Munk, c1988
Abstract/Sommario: The little blue engine comes to the rescue again! More adventures await the famous little engine, who thought she could and did make it over the mountain. In this exciting story she uses her determination and bravery to help out her very best friend, the toy clown.
London : Collins, 1966
Abstract/Sommario: It was a lovely April morning, and the sky was blue as a speedwell flower. Grey rabbit stood at the window...
London : Usborne, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: "Little Miss Muffet" is an English nursery rhyme of uncertain origin, first recorded in 1805. The lyrics tell the story of Miss Muffet ranning away from her breakfast, being frightened by a spider.
London : Egmont, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: A pilot forced to land in the Sahara meets a little prince. The wise and enchanting stories the prince tells of his own planet with its three volcanoes and a haughty flower are unforgettable...
Kathmandu : Vajra Books, 2016
Abstract/Sommario: Where is the little shepherd of the Himalayas going? Speaking to the mountains gods, listening to the sounds of the animals, telling his stories to the clouds...
Burbank : DC Comics, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: "Lois Lane and her friend Kristen want to promote their friendship video channel at the big neighborhood barbecue and bike race but when the fireworks go missing and a new girl takes up all of Kristen's attention, Lois tries to face her challenges and still celebrate the summer."
Italia : Universal Pictures, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: L'avventura animata segue le vicende di un ragazzino di 12 anni alla ricerca dell'unica cosa che gli farà conquistare le attenzioni della ragazza dei suoi sogni: un vero albero di Truffula. Per riuscirci dovrà scoprire la storia di Lorax, il buffo e scorbutico guardiano della foresta.