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Milano : Buena Vista, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: Londra, seconda guerra mondiale. Lucy, Susan, Edmund e Peter Pevensie sono quattro fratelli che vengono allontanati dalla città per sfuggire ai bombardamenti tedeschi, affidati al misterioso professor Digory Kirke e della sua burbera governante, la signora Macready, che abitano in una grande e lussuosa casa in campagna, ma priva di divertimento. In un pomeriggio piovoso, per passare il tempo i quattro fratelli decidono di giocare a nascondino: mentre Peter fa la conta, Susan si nascond ...; [Leggi tutto...]
New York : Little Brown & Co, 1991
Abstract/Sommario: This gorgeously illustrated, full-color classic celebrates a time before email with an interactive picture book full of real letters to read aloud. The Jolly Postman brings a batch of wonderful letters for Christmas, including notes from the Big Bad Wolf and all the King’s men. Open this book, take out the letters, and discover what favorite characters would write to each other–and reimagine best-loved tales together.
Mantova : Corraini, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: Una rivisitazione di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, che s'immagina rappresentata in un teatrino di marionette e dove la piccola protagonista s'imbatte in opere di Piero della Francesca e di altri importanti pittori.
Wisconsin : Western Publishing Inc., 1996
Abstract/Sommario: One golden spring day a joung girl named Alic was sitting by the river, listening to her sister read aloud from a history book...
San Dorligo della Valle : EL, 1978
Abstract/Sommario: Un coloratissimo libro per i più piccini con una storia disegnata da Altan e con testi semplici e brevi.
Roma : Gallucci, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Nel testo dell'omonima canzone una persona adulta osserva piena d'incanto il mondo, ammirandone la bellezza delle rose che fioriscono, dei bambini che crescono, dei cieli azzurri in cui si sviluppano i colori dell'arcobaleno.
London : Usborne, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: This edition will delight and encourage children as they learn to read their first words. Every big, detailed picture is accompanied by clear illustrations of each word, with the word underneath. This encourages the direct association of the word with the object, making it easy to learn new words, and to reinforce words already known.
London : Collins, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: It was Pirate Captain Codspawn’s birthday. But what was his birthday surprise? It wasn’t the beetles in the butter. It wasn’t the spiders in the sugar. And it wasn’t the special pirate pie that Cook had baked. But it was the best present a pirate could ever want.
New York : First Second, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: It's the night of the annual Autumn Equinox Festival, when the town gathers to float paper lanterns down the river. Legend has it that after drifting out of sight, they'll soar off to the Milky Way and turn into brilliant stars, but could that actually be true? This year, Ben and his classmates are determined to find out where those lanterns really go, and to ensure success in their mission, they've made a pact with two simple rules: No one turns for home. No one looks back.